Friday, September 28, 2012

Hypnotic - Romantic Island

Hypnotic - Romantic Island
Overall rating: ☆☆☆-1/2 Stars

Hypnotic - Romantic Island: A gem in the making (Note: Additional images can be found end of the review)
First impression upon landing in Hypnotic....HOLY GREEN! Hypnotic is a very lush and verdant landscape full of beautiful trees and flowers. At the landing spot on the Sim you are right next to a beautiful swing covered with green ivy and tons of flowers.  If only the animations worked a little smoother...something that you will find yourself saying early and often here.

Swingers? lol!
The Sim is liberally laced with many beautiful little spots to cuddle and share a romantic  moment with that special someone.  The first we encountered was a small island in the Southwest corner.  This little spot has so much potential to be a gem in this location as the water all around would male for some AMAZING photo's.  Unfortunately as I eluded to earlier, the animations proved to be a bit of a challenge...most are poorly aligned and I am not sure if was an issue with the actual poseballs or if it was the landscape...but many would place a portion of you or your companion in the ground. When they worked, there WERE a great selection of poses ranging from cuddles to kisses and nothing of the x-rated variety.

Baby, I think I felt the earth move during that last kiss :)
A little further along the Northern portion was probably my favorite on the Sim...a tree-house full of cuddles and a lush garden.  Now, what garden in Secondlife would be complete if it didn't have dazzling rays of sunlight, a very pretty waterfall with stream and an Intan for a romantic dance with your loved one...and this one didn't disappoint.  Which does lead to one of my biggest pet peeves about the Sim.  While it does have some different musical genres...none of them are what I would really consider to be romantic. Moving along....

Romance at its finest
Just south of the garden, almost smack dab in the middle of the Sim is a green hillside with a picnic blanket.  This spot, in my humble opinion, may have the best potential of any on the island.  I would love to see the owner apply some of their impressive Landscaping skills to this area.  The only issue we had here was the fact that the blanket was a sex blanket.  Look...Gabs and I are FAR from prudes, but this thing was sitting out in the open in clear view of any and all.  I get that some dig that...but that is not what this Sim is about.  In the same area, just a bit to the east is a very nice little raft.  Once again GREAT potential for photos..especially if you like it's one and only pose.    

Wine, cheese and my baby...doesn't get much better

Finally...we come to the Southeast portion of the island Sim and a very cool little club area.  While there were not any couples dances, there was a dance machine with quite a few fun dances that had Gabs and I chuckling and snapping pics non-stop.  This could be a great little hangout out for the girls and their besties or a little impromptu dance party.

Last stop for us was in the Southeast corner and a fun little tiki hideout, once again...very pretty but somewhat lacking when it comes to the poses. However it is still a great spot for some gorgeous pics.  

Final Word: Both Gabs and I found Hypnotic to be a Sim that was loaded with potential.  Once the issues with poses are rectified we could see these being a favorite of couples in no time. Beautiful Terra-forming and landscaping, as well as an abundance of cute hide-away's have it on the right track...but lets be real...couple want to cuddle and take pictures. That issue and the music that does not quite match the feel of the Sim is the only thing keeping this Sim from rating higher. That being is still worth a visit in our opinion

Tommie -n- Gabs

Additional Photos :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon to a computer screen near you....a true blog that reviews Sims in Second Life from a residents perspective. Is it fun? Is it romantic? Is it breath-taking? 
Gabriella Karillion and yours truly, Tommie2tone , will give our honest opinions of Sims that we visit in our wanderings around SL.  

I think we can all agree that one of the most challenging things is finding something new and fun here. It seems for every good one you find, 5 bad to mediocre ones are in their wake. It is our hope that we can take some of the guess work out it for our fellow SL citizens while having a blast at the same time.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to pass these on either through this venue or IM me inworld. Look forward to seeing you all out and about!

Tommie -n- Gabs