Haunted Castaway Island
Fun is waiting to be had at every corner of the Haunted Castaway Island half-sim attraction. The prevailing theme is of course Halloween, but this island has that and so much more. I found it hard to believe as I was touring the location that it was ONLY a half-sim. Despite the fact that there is no shortage of things to do here, everything was really well spaced and easy to get to.
Yeah...but it gets GREAT gas mileage and I can park it in the bike racks! |
Gabs and I were laughing almost immediately upon landing as we found this super fun car at the landing. The animation for this car is positively brilliant, you'll be giggling as it squeezes you, somehow, inside the car. Even better...you can drive it once you are in! I'm pretty sure I still have tire tracks up my back! Co-located at the landing zone is a graveyard with lots of great animations for wonderful photo opportunities.
What? Do I have something in my teeth....? |
After having a blast in the car and graveyard, Gabs and my next stop was at the Haunted House itself. It was, of course, full of fun and hilarious animations...but one thing that I really liked about this house was how easy it was to navigate. I don't think either of us even once complained about having a bad camera view. Just inside the door to the left is a fantastic dinner table with a delicious looking entree served up ..lol!
Hmmm...perfectly color-coordinated monster tentacle...only you baby |
With all the great things arrayed around the living room, be sure you don't forget the upstairs or den just to the left of the staircase. The kitchen is also a blast...I VERY strongly recommend taking a peak in the fridge for leftovers ;)
Holy Crap!!! No wonder my kid is hysterical if we don't get the newest cereal at the store! |
Once you are done with all the kitchen, look in the middle of the floor for an animation to take you into the basement where the fun continues. Giant spiders, floating ghosts and a hallway from hell await among other things.
Insert applicable "prick" joke here.... |
As I mentioned earlier, the Haunted House is just part of the fun and good times to be had. Walking along the shore presents more great items to play with. My personal favorite....the giant Crocodile.
Oh great!....She had the damn keys! |
A little further along the shore brings you to an eerily beautiful fountain. A great place to stop and get some snuggles and of course pictures. Who doesn't enjoy snapping some pics with their special someone?
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After such a traumatic series of events, who couldn't use a little cuddle? |
Smack dab in the middle of the two major attractions of the half-sim is a VERY picturesque are with trees and flowers exploding with color. A great place for pictures once again.
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....or two (who says cobwebs can't be romantic) |
Proceeding to the other side of the sim takes you to a grand, almost Mediterranean style building that is once again packed full of great things. Chairs and lounges that attack as well as a psychiatric couch for those just needing to get something off their chest
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Zhoooo...vhen you avaken, you vill no longer have a dezire for more zhan 2 pairz of zheos... |
Arrayed across the beach outside of the Med building is a collection of even more (catching the "tons of stuff to do" theme here?) fun animations to play around with. The knife throwing....OMG...hilarious! Don't worry, Gabs has fully recovered from her wounds
ummmm....I'm guessing I get the couch tonight baby? |
And...WOW! Did I ever pay the price for my poor aim....
No level of preperation is too extreme when trying out for the Venice Boys Choir |
I almost completely missed one of the coolest areas for photos on the whole island, fortunately Gabs didn't. The Seagulls fluttering around made for both a great photo, as well as a desire to toss out birdseed...lol!
Mine!....Mine, Mine, Mine.....(extra points to those that recognize the reference) |
Final Thoughts: Both Gabs and I had a blast on our trip to the Haunted Castaway Island. With a winning combination of not only fun items but also outstanding layout of the Sim itself...you wont find yourself lacking for things to do. While it may not have the sheer size of the previously reviewed GAFL Haunted house, it definitely has every bit of the same quality. Totally worth a visit before it disappears on November 1st...and a great way to spend some time with friends or your special someone!
Additional Pics below:
Baby, who come your mud-bath was in a spa and mine...well.... |
NOT the car you want to be stepping out of on the day you decided to be sexy and go commando |
Hmmmm......oh, ummmm, I mean, sorry........."COMING DEAR!" |
OK, I know they say books help your imagination take flight but....really? I mean....REALLY? |
BE RIGHT OUT!!!! geez, can't a guy get any privacy in the bathroom? |
Soooo...are you sure this wont fit in the bedroom babe? |
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yeah, ahh...see the above caption.... |
OK, OK...I will call Roto-Rooter tomorrow! |
Awwwww....I am SUCH a lucky man :)) |